Thursday, December 10, 2015

The health benefits of colloidal silver for viruses and bacteria

We live in a world where most people depend on pharmaceutical products to treat their health problems, especially when they have caught a particular virus or bacteria. A specific pill or pharmaceutical liquid is usually prescribed by your personal doctor or suggested by a family member, close associate, TV/radio commercial, etc. The pharmaceuticals are a mix of solutions that we can barely pronounce, and if taken incorrectly the results can be damaging or fatal to the user. The majority of the population does not consider what mankind used for health before the pharmaceutical industry, never realizing that colloidal silver was used to treat illnesses for over thousands of years. Decades ago most of our utensils were made out of silver, and milk containers were aligned with silver to kill bacteria.  Colloidal Silver is liquid of concentrated silver (AG) that can kill off 95% of all bacteria and viruses, but the information has been suppress over the past few decades. 

The knowledge/research was brought back to the forefront by Dr. James Collins, a bio medical engineer at Boston University in Massachusetts.  He exposed how silver kills off bacteria and viruses on a small and large level, by simply ingesting the proper dosage to strengthen the body’s immune system. I have been using silver for two years now, and my health has improved tremendously (not that I have any serious condition). I only take one or two aspirins/pharmaceutical pills per year since discovering the solution. The only reason I used the pills were for back alignment issues, other than that I use silver to cure all of my colds, coughing, or any type of virus that enters my system. Resulting in me getting sick maybe one or two times per year, usually when the seasons changes. I keep my immune system strong by taking at least three drops per week as a preventive measure

Colloidal silver has over 500 cures, and a few major proven cures are; bed sores, stomach viruses, high fevers, candida, chlamydia, ear aches, eczema, coughs, e. coli, lime disease, staph infections, super bugs, etc.  I tried to educate my family about silver's health benefits but they were not believers right away, it was not until my daughter (three year of age at the time) had a fever over 104 degrees and nothing prescribed lowered her temperature. I mixed two drops of silver with her juice and less than five minutes later, her temperature dropped to normal. Once my family witnessed the quick temperature drop they became believers right away.  I do endorse colloidal silver, however I can only vouch for one company. The company that I use, named Invive, specializes in the concentrated colloidal silver at 5,000 ppm (parts per million) and up. Colloidal silver is taken per drop, and usually two or three drops are needed to treat common illnesses. The silver is considered somewhat expensive, but a four ounce bottle can be used up to year. I suggest you all further research this ancient metal and implement it into your life to fight any bacteria, virus, or pathogens in your way.

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